Polypropylene, polyethylene or polyamide are the synthetic materials that make up artificial grass. These are treated in the manufacturing process to give the artificial turf its natural look.

You are probably aware of the benefits of synthetic turf. It is: very resistant, it saves a lot of water consumption, its maintenance is very simple and fast. Below, we explain what is the manufacturing process. 

How to make an artificial turf carpet

  • The first thing you need is a piece of artificial turf.
  • Make sure you get the best quality artificial turf. There are different prices but it is advisable to choose the best quality because it will last much longer.
  • Do your best to only buy the size you will need so that it fits the size of the place where you are going to lay it.
  • If you buy a square or rectangular piece, you can go further and give it an original touch.
  • If you want to keep the carpet from slipping, you can buy non-slip rubber. These triangular pads are placed in each corner of the carpet.
  • Keep it clean: this way it will be more resistant and durable.

¿Cómo se hace una alfombra de césped artificial?


In this section we show you the materials needed to make an artificial grass.


It was the first to be used on the old football fields. Now, it is still used in paddle and tennis courts. It’s the softest and most extensive material.


Its use implied the appearance of softer and more natural-looking fibers. In addition, the application of this material greatly improved the football field.


It is the strongest material and is regularly used in artificial turf for gardens and golf courses and is also used in some football and field hockey products.

Types of yarns

In addition, we explain what types of yarn are used to make the artificial grass carpet.

Tipos de hilos con los que se hace el césped artificial


Also known as textured, this has a great resistance and provides as a filling a considerable improvement in the recovery of artificial turf.


Straight yarn is known for its strength and durability and also has a good vertical recovery. Among its applications are: on football, paddle and rugby fields.

Yarn structure


It is a thread or broad fiber hair that separates into more filaments. It behaves differently from monofilament, it looks less natural and has good retention of filler materials.


It is made up of a structure that does not divide. It is a single thread and its width and thickness can vary.

In the manufacturing process 8 fibers are twisted together and then woven, in the next step they are cut to the required height, then the fibers take their position separately.

Manufacturing process

  1. It starts with the choice and review of the raw material of the polymers, then it is verified that they meet the requirements and proceeds to the manufacture of the different types of threads that make up the artificial turf.
  2. After the raw material is mixed, the types of grass are designed, taking into account the parameters in R&D. Fiber type, color, curl, height and others are applied.
  3. With the already established design of the fiber, we proceed to its manufacture. This process is called extrusion.
  4. After the extrusion process is finished, the yarn is subjected to a careful and dedicated quality test process. The yarn spools are grouped according to their type.
  5. In this phase, the yarn is pre-woven.
  6. Even in the primary backing, latex is applied, thus facilitating secondary backing.
  7. The secondary backing of each existing model is dried.
  8. Several test tests are applied to the turf and it is expected that it meets all the required standards.
  9. The final stage is to pack and label the model. 
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